Messy! Moniece Claims Pregnant Apryl Jones & ‘Bad Father’ Fizz Shacked Up Over Mutual DISDAIN For Omarion

- By Bossip Staff

On Fizz getting close to Apryl after her Omarion split:

What makes this situation so offputting for me, from what I know [Fizz] did not pursue a friendship with Apryl until he and O fell out. I think initially that was their common ground. I think that they bond over having a common disdain for [Omarion].

Fizz, who now lives in the same house with Apryl and Moniece’s son allegedly confirmed to Moniece’s mom that Apryl is pregnant but denied being the father.

My mom called Drew and he denied the pregnancy. Period, space, new sentence. You catch, that I said ‘the pregnancy’. And then my mother basically said you’ve lied about everything, we don’t believe you. My mother then said ‘what do you think this will mean for your son, emotionally’? He then said that he has spoken to Omari, which I found out was a lie.

Hit play at the 47:00 mark to hear it!


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