Nene And The Internet Destroyed Kenya On This Week's Episode Of RHOA

#RHOA: NeNe And The Rest Of Twitter DESTROYED Kenya For Her Shadiness And Life Falling Apart

- By Bossip Staff
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Source: Bravo / Tommy Garcia

When we left our lovely ladies of Atlanta last time, Kenya and Nene were dealing with all sorts of tension. Kenya opened the show talking about how she didn’t want to work things out with Nene or try to figure out how to make things better.

Kenya started off her villainy by coming for Cynthia over…wine? Really? She tried to give her a hard time about pairing wines and the rest of the ladies just rolled their eyes in frustration especially considering that Cynthia owns The Bailey Wine Cellar. Was Kenya trying to discredit her friend Cynthia’s business???? Later Kenya continued her rampage by coming at a producer!

That was all the appetizer for the final clash between Nene and Kenya. Lost story short: Nene called Kenya a whole b****. Kenya called Nene bipolar and NeNe said Kenya being bipolar is why Marc LEFT her.

Then Kenya tried to fix things with Tanya only for Nene to jump in again. And we end in a cliffhanger of the two looking like they are about to throw hands.

Twitter clearly picked a side that side was Nene’s as they spent yet another week DRAGGING Kenya. Peep the shade that was thrown.

Nene’s shortened season had people upset at first, but now she is her full-fledged self and she has brought the drama for real. Welcome back.

@classyant_: Finally!!! NayNay has ARRIVED!!! This is what I’ve been waiting on since November! They have awoken the beast!!!! #RHOA

This was really the gut punch that sent Kenya reeling. Nene hit her with that “your husband left” and it was a wrap.

@TheRealGabeG: “Bipolar Kenya. Go get your medication. That’s why your husband left b***h!”

-NeNe Leakes


Again, this is proof that Nene is the one to say the things you don’t want to hear but It may be true. This is what she does all the time.

@tiamarie_loves: “Well NeNe just said what everyone else was thinking… I’m just saying #RHOA”

It’s clear that Nene won and it’s clear that she has become the hero fans need.

@AviLinkI: know folks gon be mad at NeNe but she dragged Kenya across Greece and I ain’t mad at it. Y’all let Kenya get away with too much #RHOA

Kenya’s whole season of shenanigans are coming back to bite her for real. There is no sympathy for her this week.

@ColorMeBougie08: Kenya bye….that wig situation did not warrant you calling Tanya a c-I next Tuesday and confronting her with that fraudulent cookie woman #RHOA

@TameschiaV: #RHOA
Nene did have a good point if she had said what Kenya said about Cynthia not knowing much about wine everyone would have torn into her..Cynthia wouldn’t been hugging it out with Nene like she done Kenya

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@chrissydemi89: Yesssa
go for the jugular she needs it. It ain’t no fun when the cat got the gun is it Kenya Face with tears of joy Nene reading Kenya like….. #RHOA


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