10 Delicious Struggle Meals To Make While Quarantined

Corona Cuisine: 10 Delicious Struggle Meals To Chef Up While Quarantined

- By Bossip Staff
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Instant noodles, close-up - stock photo

Source: George/Getty

As the Coronavirus quarantine shuts down society and our food rations run low, we’ve reached the point of temporary insanity with a splash of anxiety where days feel FOREVER-long without any signs of things getting back to normal.

But, luckily for you, we have the perfect remedy for your quarantine stress: DELICIOUS STRUGGLE MEALS.

Yep, our fave easily cookable creations that the regular shmegular everyday person can make (and make deliciously) without spending very much (IF ANY) money during these uncertain times.

So, gather around for the most essential Corona content on the whole entire internet that we’ve compiled for you on the flip.

Ramen Noodles With Egg

A $1 pack of Ramen noodles with an egg is a simple quarantine struggle meal with a magnificent twist.

Hot Dog Octopus

Yep, it’s exactly what it sounds like: a hot dog octopus over spaghetti or macaroni that puts some childish BOP in a basic meal.

Beans & Franks

A timeless classic passed down from generation to generation that will never let you or your family down.

Classic Sausage Sammich

Another beloved classic that you can customize. For best results? Go with the Kielbasa sausage.

Scrambled Eggs & Rice With Pepper

Scrambled eggs with rice and a sprinkle of pepper is sooo clutch, especially if you add bacon or sausage.

Fried Bologna Sammich

Simple yet powerful, especially if you use spicy mustard on toasted bread. Whewwww.

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Velveeta Shells & Cheese With Vienna Sausages

Very few easily cookable meals slap like velveeta shells with cheese, especially when paired with Vienna sausages or your struggle protein of choice. Feeling spectacular? Try chicken.

Corned Beef & Rice

The corned beef, rice and corn combo is undefeated (and customizable). For best results, add plantain.

Rice With Egg, Soy Sauce & Sesame oil

This looks absolutely delicious and is easily customizable as you can see. No spinach? Use whatever substitute you have available.

Tortilla Chips With Shredded Cheese

A simple yet delicious (and customizable) snack. The fancier the cheese, the better. And by fancy, we mean Colby Jack or something similar.


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