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Source: Gilbert Carrasquillo / Getty

Over the course of the past three weeks, protests have been happening across the globe, confronting racism while also demanding racial equality for African Americans and accountability for the police. The tipping point for this movement’s surge in visibility was due to the murder of George Floyd that was caught on camera in Minnesota.

Long before the world would heard of Breonna Taylor’s senseless murder, then witnessed the murders of Ahmaud Arbrey and George Floyd, Colin Kaepernick warned white America there was a problem. When Kaepernick began kneeling during the National Anthem, many tried to manipulate his message as disrespecting the American flag. Kneeling would eventually cost Kaepernick his job in the NFL and eventually land him an undisclosed amount in a settlement from the NFL.

We are now entering the third straight week of protests and many have now seen the light Colin was trying to shine. Even the NFL has spoken out and apologized for silencing their players but without any mention of Colin, who is still a free agent.

Now, Hall of Famer Terrell Owens is hoping to change that, according to TMZ .

The Hall of Famer is heading a “march and kneel” rally in Inglewood, CA in the hopes of putting pressure on NFL teams to sign Colin to a roster for the 2020 season.

The march is also being led by Kappa Alpha Psi — the fraternity that Kaepernick joined while he was a student at University of Nevada, Reno.

The marchers — who are calling themselves Kappas for Kaepernick — plan to dempnstrate at 12:07 PM.

Colin has made it known he is still working out and training and is ready to play, given the opportunity. The NFL tried to host a workout for Kaepernick last year, but it fell apart when the NFL tried to be snakes during the process. Hopefully, we see Kaepernick on the field in the 2020-2021 season.


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