Nomzamo Mbatha Dazzles The Diaspora In "Coming 2 America"

MiremBaaae: South African Stunner Nomzamo Mbatha Dazzles The Diaspora In “Coming 2 America”

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Father, God.. Lord in Heaven, she baaaad

Everyone’s buzzing over “Coming 2 America” that gave us much-needed cackles from a star-studded cast, dazzling dance numbers choreographed by the legendary Fatima Robinson, stunning costumes by the iconic Ruth E. Carter and an introduction to South African stunner Nomzamo Mbatha who we haven’t stopped thinking about since the credits rolled.

Whew, she’s absolutely GORGEOUS–lawd, she FINE–and shined in her U.S. film debut as Jermaine Fowler’s love interest “Mirembe” in the record-shattering movie-of-the-moment.

“Where do I start?” the South African actress says laughing when asked how she landed the role of Mirembe in an interview with Essence.

“I am in Abu Dhabi. I’m doing some work with the United Nations — as you know, I’m the Goodwill Ambassador for the refugee agency at the U.N. So I’m doing work and we’re shooting this thing and I get a call from my agent and he says, ‘Nomzamo, I need you to be on a flight back to L.A. ASAP.’ You can send in a tape for this project, but being in the room is where you need to be.

“I land the afternoon before the audition and the day of the audition I’m getting my hair and makeup done and I get a call from my manager. Crystal says, ‘Oh my God, you won’t believe this, she can’t see you today. The agent can’t see you today.’ I was like, does she know I’m in America just for her? Make a plan or something!” said Mbatha, laughing.

She eventually connected with casting director Leah Butler for her big audition and the rest is history.

Beautiful AND talented, we hope to see more of the international superstar who has nearly 4 million followers on Instagram and countless new fans across the globe who showered her with praise the entire weekend.

Would you want to see a third “Coming To America” film starring Jermaine and Nomzamo? Tell us down below and peep an essential photo gallery of everyone’s new fave baddie on the flip.

“Nomzamo Mbatha, a star. That’s the tweet and my only contribution to the conversation about #Coming2America” – our new crush

Thoughts for this week:
No longer speaking OF the dream but, speaking TO it!” – SAY THAT, boo

“#MissSA2020 Hosting duties” – that dress tho

Continue Slideshow

“Appreciation tweet for Nomzamo Mbatha on a role on Coming 2 America” – yesss

“When The @hollywoodreporter NAMES you ‘THE NEXT BIG THING’ (one of the most coveted titles) you pretty much cry and ask yourself … where did you get the courage to dream THIS big. THIS boldly… HONOURED… SPEECHLESS” – simply stunning


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