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What a creep.

Key Speakers At Conservative Political Action Conference

Source: Bloomberg / Getty

Matt Gaetz, or as we like to call him the Zack Morris tethered, is one of the most grandstandiest, word salad-y, trolling, disingenuous Republican congressmen in office, and that’s saying a whole lot. He’s a MAGA bootlicker and an infuriatingly condescending d-bag. However, as ugly as those personality traits are, the United States Department of Justice seems to think he might be something even worse, a sex trafficker.

According to a newly published report in the New York Times, Rep. Gaetz, a good ol’ Florida boy, is currently being investigated over his relationship with a 17-year-old girl with who he allegedly had sex and paid for her to travel with him. Federal statutes make it expressly illegal for someone under age 18 to travel across state lines for sex in exchange for money or other valuable items. These are the types of cases that the DOJ prosecutes on a regular basis and those found in violation very often go to prison for a very long time.

Imagine that. A man who shows devout loyalty to another man who brags about grabbing women by the pu**y could be a sex offender. The alleged incidents in question are said to have taken place two years ago when the girl was underaged.

Gaetz, age 38, became the subject of this investigation following the indictment of a Florida friend of his named Joel Greenberg. Greenberg was a Seminole County tax collector before resigning his post last year following charges of sex trafficking and providing funds for people in exchange for sex. Birds of an alleged feather if you will. No criminal charges have been filed at this time. Here’s what Gaetz said about this investigation in a recent interview:

“I only know that it has to do with women,” Mr. Gaetz said. “I have a suspicion that someone is trying to recategorize my generosity to ex-girlfriends as something more untoward.”

THAT isn’t suspect at all…

Trust and believe that we will be watching this space very closely.




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