Diddy's Show On Race Comes Under Fire For Including Amy Schumer

Diddy Got CLOWNED For Hosting a “Family Meeting” On Race Relations And Inviting Sentient Big Toe Amy Schumer To Speak

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Well, this is what we asked for, we guess. We want celebrities to speak up more and we guess we have to deal with the consequences or whatever. That includes Diddy who has been threatening to hold up the Black vote until Joe Biden comes up with some undefined policies for Black America. This is, of course, just a few years removed from him telling us to VOTE OR DIE for John Kerry.

On Wednesday night he called for a family meeting to discuss the state of race relations in America. Seems harmless enough, right? He had some real luminaries and important speakers involved but he also had some questionable guests including our buddy Mos Theft aka Shaun King. The biggest mistake he had was putting Amy Schumer on the show for some damn reason, especially considering she’s done things like this:

Schumer hasn’t shown herself to be much of an ally and we aren’t sure how the hell she became part of a “family meeting.” Twitter was confused and frustrated by it all. Hit the flip to see it all…

“Idk about y’all but whenever there’s a discussion about police brutality, the first person I always wanna hear from is Amy Schumer”

“Diddy said we having a family meeting and invited Amy Schumer”

“Y’all are the ones who told these celebrities to speak. Now you got Puff doing family meetings with Amy Schumer”

“Woke up to Diddy discussing race with Shaun King and Amy Schumer.”

“Diddy really said, “we need to have a conversation about racism…….lemme call Amy Schumer.””

“Diddy’s racism discussion with Amy Schumer and TalcumX. That’s a NEGATORE from me.”

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“Hold on Amy Schumer was on this emergency racism meeting?”

“literally who thought it was a good idea to ask amy schumer for her opinion on police brutality. who. literally nobody asked for this. stop giving white liberal women a platform for no damn reason”

“When Amy Schumer started talking about Black Issues on Diddys Zoom”

“diddy could’ve got ava duvernay, kamala harris, gabrielle union, stacey abrams but recruited amy schumer instead??

never in the history of niggadom…”


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