Kylie Jenner Under Fire For Not Tagging Black Woman

Fair Or Foul: Kylie Jenner Wore A Black Woman Designer’s Dress And Got DRAGGED For Not Doing THIS

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2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Radhika Jones - Arrivals

Source: Toni Anne Barson / Getty

Kylie Jenner has a very very long history of stealing and yanking ideas, clothes, themes, pics and pretty much everything imaginable from Black women. So naturally everything she does regarding Black women falls under the microscope. Last night, Kylie, posted a pic of a dress she bought from a Black woman designer in London called Loud Brand Studios. (Buy their stuff here.)

There was one problem: Kylie didn’t tag the company in the pic. This caused a ton of outrage over whether or not she owed the woman a tag since she apparently purchased the clothes herself.

It didn’t matter because Twitter came for that a$$. That prompted Kylie to tag them in her pic.

Then they all hashed it out on Twitter, even though it doesn’t appear that the designer was even bothered in the first place.

Now, let’s put some shine on Loudbrandstudios, from their site:

Loudbrandstudios is a conceptualised brand that honours limited timeless pieces. Curated and designed in London, Founder & Creative Director Jedidiah Duyile wanted to produce pieces that reminded women of just how sexy they are. Our main inspiration stems from an appreciation of the vintage casual inspired looks of the early 2000’s with a modern day twist.

Our fabrics sourced in London are of the highest quality ensuring we provide comfortability and ease. We hope you enjoy exploring our space and find items you’ll be able to treasure.

Hit the flip to see what all the fighting was about. Was it fair or foul? Did Kylie OWE them a tag? Did anyone really need to defend her? Hit the flip and see all the sides…

“tbh kylie didn’t owe that designer any obligation to tag her, she bought the dress fgs. this level of entitlement is smelling.”

“Y’all need to stop acting like Kylie Jenner is pro black. She’s actually quite the opposite.”

“So kylie is trending cos she didn’t tag someone but not when she didn’t pay Bangladeshi workers? I see how it works “

“Is Kylie wrong in this situation? No. Will I go to bat for her? No.”

“How yall look defending kylie when you could’ve just stayed quiet”

“The owner of the business is ecstatic that Kylie is a customer but u ppl wanna fight a fight she didn’t ask to fight”

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“Don’t make this about the buy black movement cause that’s not what we stand for. If Kylie paid for the dress she isn’t OBLIGATED to tag them.”

“Y’all saying Kylie not obligated to tag nobody but what do she lose? What do she lose? She loses nothing and she changes a Black woman’s life. That lil ass TAG. Is y’all fr.”

“it wouldve taken 2 seconds for kylie jenner to tag that small artist….,, and it would’ve changed her life forever….. yet y’all still insist on supporting her + buying her overpriced, shitty lipstick that is produced by child slave labor…..idgi’

“This Kylie thing is funny because:

1. She bought the dress.

2. She doesn’t owe anybody a tag if they’re not paying for it.

3. She has every reason to delete comments because no free publicity.

4. The dress is already sold out.

5. The designer is excited she wore her dress.”


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