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Well, well, well.

Rah Ali, Ari Fletcher

Source: Getty / Getty

Some time has passed, but NOTHING has been forgotten by reality star Rashidah Ali aka Rah Ali in regards to her beef with Instagram influencer Ariana Fletcher.

The ladies first butted heads back in October of 2020 when Ari made the obscene threat to “beat the baby out” of then-pregnant Rah because of a seemingly innocent Instagram post shared to her media company’s IG page.

Rah saw the comment from Ari, and responded promptly to the threat, promising to handle the situation “accordingly.” Ari originally wrote,


Since then, all has been pretty much quiet minus OnSite pointing out that Ari recently had been recovering from alleged chin lipo surgery. The influencer posted her “new” look after weeks of hiding out.

Seemingly in reaction to the update on her face, Ari hit Rah and her media company ItsOnsite with a cease and desist letter last night to stop them from mentioning her name — but instead, it only made Rah more vocal against the person who initially threatened her. She wrote:

“Not THE BIG BAD WOLF running to the law. Not the b**** that tells MF’s she’s gone beat they baby outta them calling for help. NOT Ms. “You Better Hug Your Baby Tight Tonight” calling the man for help. THIS HOW I KNOW YOU SAT DOWN WITH THEM PROSECUTORS AGAINST HERBO.”

Rah had more to say in regard to Ari serving her with a cease and desist, in case she forgot who started bullying who, first. In tweets, Rah called Ari an “informant”, referring to the 25-year-old being named as a witness in the federal case involving the father of her son, G Herbo.

When U have a b*tch that goes on the record threatening MF’s and their children, when U have a b*tch that talks like she’s the mob contact the law b/c she can’t take the same energy she puts out, that’s a b*tch that plays w/police so U betta know she talking 2them folks on her BD.

Yiiikes! Rah pointed out that Ari is on record threatening her and wants Ari to know she met her match. Do you think this is worth fighting over?

— And to be CLEAR, Rah insists that Ari has been throwing rocks and hiding her hands so she won’t lose out on any of those deals bringing in the influencer coins that fund her lifestyle. This is including her brand deal with Fenty.

Ariana has not yet responded to Rah or commented on the letter her lawyer served to the star.

What do YOU think about all of this?


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