Horoscopes For Week Of June 30

BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of June 30

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Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


You’re going to be pushed to see the truth about your level of discernment when it comes to your social circle. Many of you ignore small red flags with people who give off more of a frenemy vibe than a bestie vibe. This week you’ll no longer be able to tune out these warning signals and be pressed to make some hard-line decisions.

RED FLAG: Be mindful of getting into physical altercations this week, keep your cool, and just stand on your boundaries and yes this is related to the problematic friends.

SWEET SPOT: Whenever you run into a few problems this week, count to ten and ask your ancestors to provide you with easy-to-do-solutions.

Did you know that you can get a psychic reading with Zya? Try her out at BOOKZYA.com.

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