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Source: VALERIE MACON / Getty

There have been 46 Black History Months in the United States and ain’t nan one of you had this doozy on your BHM BINGO card!

Throughout that time we have learned a lot of tidbits of information about things that Black folks have done but this is easily one of the most surprising. Last Friday, October 28 2022 was Julia Roberts‘ 55th birthday and according to CNN, a Twitter user dropped the previously unknown fact…

Now, this is one of those things that could easily be an urban legend that never truly gets vetted for accuracy, however, this is one of the very rare cases where something disseminated on social media actually has legitimacy.

Bernice King, the youngest daughter of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, stamped the claim and tweeted the receipts in the form of a Gayle King interview where she asks Julia Roberts about this little-known fact and the shocked actress explained her historic origin story.

“My parents had a theater school in Atlanta called the Actors and Writers’ Workshop,” said the actress recalling how her family’s friendship with the Kings began. “And one day Coretta Scott King called my mother and asked if her kids could be part of the school because they were having a hard time finding a place that would accept her kids.”

“They helped us out of a jam,” she added jokingly about the Kings taking on Walter and Betty Lou Roberts’ hospital bill for her birth.

Based on Julia’s reaction and the reactions from the tweets, it seems like very few people knew about this. Did you? Where did you find out?

Hit the comments with your shock, awe, and melanted disbelief, lol.



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